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PROTECH is silver partner with MATRIX42 in Jordan

Home / Partners / PROTECH is silver partner with MATRIX42 in Jordan

Matrix42 is a specialized in Digital transformation, in an automated way, all under on platform.

From processes, to assets, to tickets, to incidents, to contracts, to licenses, and to much more.

All of these can be managed under one platform; Digital Workspace Platform with just a push of a button you go from one product to another without even feeling that you’re changing products!

Matrix42 has more than 30 years of experience in digital Transformation, Leading in Europe, with almost 99% of our its customers renew their subscriptions every year,

Which means Matrix42 is a reliable, must have product!

In Matrix42, we have the Enterprise Service Management ESM that helps you discover your IT and non-IT Assets, Incident management, Ticketing system, Asset management, Discovery and dependency mapping, Licensing and contracts

And the best part is that all of these processes are under one platform that is very easy to use and customizable at your demand
Matrix42 Products:
• ITSM (IT service management): Incidents, service desk, service catalog, ticketing,..
• Firescope (SDDM Secure Dependency and Discovery Management): GPS for your IT infrastructure
• SAM (Software Asset Management); Licensing, Contracts, LIS,..

And the best thing about it, they are all under one Platform along with the SUEM/UEM!

Matrix42 Products

ITSM (IT service management)
Firescope (SDDM Secure Dependency and Discovery Management)
SAM (Software Asset Management)

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