IoT security is the technology area concerned with safeguarding connected devices and networks in the internet of things (IoT). Allowing devices to connect to the internet opens them up to a number of serious vulnerabilities if they are not properly protected.
Operational Technology (OT) has converged with IT, resulting in the increased need for OT security. Connectivity of OT to the Internet improves the monitoring and/or controlling of physical devices, processes, and events such as industrial control systems (ICS), including Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). However, opening network communication to OT comes with its challenges.

OT and IoT Security Key Benefits
See What’s on your network and how it’s behaving
Detect Cyber threats, risks and anomalies for faster response
Unify Security, visibility and monitoring across all your assets
PROTECH is looking to work with manufacturers, electric utilities, water and waste water, oil and gas, municipalities, and food processing companies to help them assess cybersecurity risk and proactively develop security programs to protect their industrial environments